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The Maracas Valley Action Committee (M.V.A.C.)

The online home of the Maracas Valley Action Committee (M.V.A.C)


In 2002, spurred on by quarrying activities in El Chorro and Acono, Maracas Valley residents came together to address these and other concerns which were negatively affecting life in the Valley including:

- water pollution due to ineffective water treatment facilities.

- increasing demand on an already beleaguered infrastructure due to a rapidly increasing population.

-deforestation (and accompanying issues of soil erosion and flooding).

Sub-Committees were set up to address various concerns in the Valley following the first meeting of Concerned Residents ( held on June 23rd 2002) . Thomas Gudat was the driving force behind this effort and eventually became the first President/Chairman of what was then called the "Interim Committee of the Maracas Valley Action Committee". He served until 2004 and was instrumental in the drive to register MVAC as a non-profit group.

MVAC was formally incorporated as a Not for Profit Company under the Companies Act, 1995 of Trinidad and Tobago on 17th November 2004 . A revised constitution was formally accepted at the general meeting held on July 3rd 2005 and took effect from July 14th 2005.

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